Thursday, March 11, 2010

Running Round in Circles

Do you ever feel like you have so much to tell, and there is no time to tell it? Or, that you don't have the energy to tell it? I am getting ready for a knee replacement surgery on Monday. Monday the 15th of March.

It was supposed to be Tuesday the 10th of March, but it was postponed until April 26th (they called me on Monday, March 9th). That sent me in to a whirlwind day of resetting my emotions. By the next morning, I had finally got my balance again. Then the surgeon's office called and asked if I could come in on the 15th of March.

The reason for the change is that I have sleep apnea, so they want to do the surgery in a foofoo shishi hospital, rather than a smaller, more orthopedic specific hospital. I was very lucky to get moved up to the 15th, but it sure messed with my head.

I've been running around in circles, getting nowhere as I try to prepare myself for surgery. I am not as concerned about the surgery as I am about the kids and the dogs and the horses and how much overtime my sweet husband is going to have to work to pay for the foofoo shishi hospital.

All of the other stuff I want to tell you will have to wait for another day. All of the crazy things that happen here at the Sorensen Home. There is never a boring day. I'm sure that someday there will be, and I'll be patting tears from my eyes, missing all of the noise and mayhem. So I stop, from time to time, just to appreciate the chaos.